Tis the season… for long and leisurely evenings spent outdoors and with friends. This week’s recipes are great for groups of people especially outdoor events or barbecues – primarily for ease, as they can both be prepared the day before and there is very little prep time involved on the day. 

We did a live demonstration yesterday at the Balmoral Show 2019 using this recipe and so many have requested it! 

Belfast’s own Jawbox gin is making a real name for itself among the connoisseurs of the city and beyond. The salmon recipe has a little twist in appreciation of Jawbox as I have included a hint of it in the recipe – but of course, you can use any gin you might have in the house.

This is a super, light dish served with creme fraiche and lemon and provides a great palate cleanser.


Salmon with jawbox gin and beetroot (Serves 6–8)

1kg side of salmon with skin on and trimmed

85g brown sugar

65g salt, Maldon sea salt works best

½ teaspoon white pepper

50g Dijon mustard

Beetroot puree

130ml gin

Start by making the beetroot puree. Get four medium–sized beetroots and cook in a boiling pot of water for 90 minutes. Do not season the water with salt. Once they are cooked and soft, peel (remember to wear gloves for this bit) and blend into a puree.

To prepare the fish, lay the salmon fillet on a piece of cling film big enough so you can wrap the salmon up tightly. Mix all the ingredients into a bowl and pour over the fish with the mixture and leave unwrapped for 30 minutes.

Next, wrap the fish up tightly in the clingfilm, place on a tray and refrigerate for three days.

If you do not use it all, re–wrap in cling film as it should keep for one week.

Serve with a little creme fraiche and a wedge of lemon.

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